Monday, September 21, 2009

My Smarter Planet

This year IBM launched what I personally consider the best campaign we ever made. Maybe because it's not just a campaign but a call to change the way we live, work, build, think, travel and more. We called it the Smarter Planet and you can read all about it here. You can learn about how we can make our cities smarter, how IBM helps local agencies to create a better infrastructure, or how we help patients by tracking their responses to new medication through smart pills that alert doctors via sms. And even more you can share your thoughts on better education, food, banking, energy, retail and discover the new intelligence and how analytics can change the way we understand information.

As I told you it's just HUGE! And because it's soooo huge IBM asked for all its business partners, local governments, companies and employees to participate in it, share ideas, tell people about it, make friends and family aware and finally take action! We have many tumbles, tweets, blogs and many resources dedicated to explaining what INTERCONNECTED, INSTRUMENTED and INTELLIGENT mean (the 3 aspects of smarter planet), so I'll let you discover them :-)

Meanwhile that's my Romanian tumblr: PlanetaDesteapta (RO for Smarter Planet), a place where I share my tips on things that are really smart and could help us have a better life.

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